Attention Dash Masternode Owners: Please register with the Deterministic Masternode List now
Dash Community,
We are pleased to share that DIP3 (Deterministic Masternode List) has activated. We are asking masternode owners to please begin registering with the Deterministic Masternode List as soon as possible in order to accelerate the activation of sporks 15 and 16 and prevent any delay in the launch of our next release, Dash Core v0.14.
Instructions on how to register can be found here. Masternodes who register will continue to receive payments as scheduled, so there is no need to wait to register. It is critical that masternodes register as soon as possible, as those who have not registered by the time spork 15 (Deterministic Masternode List) is activated will not receive payments.
Spork 15 Activation Criteria
Because spork 15 will reset proposal votes, we must time the activation with the beginning of the voting cycle to minimize the impact to the governance system. If the network does not meet the below activation criteria by March 8, the team will hold off activating it until the next voting cycle begins in early April.
To enable a fair process that allows for sufficient time to register while minimizing delays, the team plans to activate spork 15 based on a formula that takes into account both the total percentage of masternodes already registered, as well as the pace at which masternodes are registering (specifically, the percentage who have registered in the last 24 hours).
The total percentage of masternodes registered must be greater than 50% for us to consider activating. Once we reach 80%, we will automatically activate without regard to the percentage registered within the last 24 hours.
Below is a table displaying the thresholds at which we would activate spork 15. For example, if 60% of masternodes have registered total, and 1.25% or less have registered in the last 24 hours, we will activate. Similarly, if in the last 24 hours we saw 2.5% or less register, we will activate so long as at least 70% total have registered.
Spork 16 – Automatic InstantSend
Spork 16 is the final milestone in the deployment of Dash Core v0.13. After Spork 15 is activated, we will monitor the network for a short period of time to ensure general stability before activating Spork 16. Spork 16 will activate Automatic InstantSend, making 90%+ of the transactions on our network instant by default at no extra cost. We are eager to offer this functionality to users as soon as possible, which is another reason we are working towards a speedy activation of the Deterministic Masternode List. We are also excited to wrap up the rollout of Dash Core v0.13 so we can focus fully on our next release, Dash Core v0.14.
– Please register your masternode now, following the guides below
– You can do it now, there is no need to wait for masternode payment
– You have 7 days to register
– Please make sure you are using the latest version of DMT 0.9.22
https://docs.dash.org/DIP3-masternode-changes <– bullet list of changes and new concepts in DIP3
https://docs.dash.org/DIP3-masternode-upgrade <– guide to upgrade an existing mn without moving collateral
https://docs.dash.org/DIP3-masternode-setup <– guide to set up a new mn from scratch
https://docs.dash.org/DIP3-upgrade <– upgrade status and guide for partners
https://docs.dash.org/en/stable/masternodes/dip3-upgrade.html#dmt-dip3-upgrade โ Masternode Registration from DMT
https://docs.dash.org/en/stable/masternodes/dip3-upgrade.html#dashcore-dip3-upgrade โ Masternode Registration from Dash Core
if you only register your MN – NO start is needed !!
Original link: https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/attention-dash-masternode-owners-please-register-with-the-deterministic-masternode-list-now.43668/