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Dash has activated two sporks finalizing the 0.13 upgrade, locking in deterministic masternodes and activating InstantSend transactions by default.
Last week, Dash activated two sporks, or multi-phased forks, the last two elements locking in the final features of the version 0.13 upgrade to ensure a smooth transition. The first, spork 15, locked in deterministic masternodes, the new split-key setup allowing roles for each masternode to be run by separate keys: collateral key, voting key, and operator key. An important benefit of this is overhauling the process of accessing the masternode network, as Dash’s product manager Liz Robuck explained in a recent blog post:
“Now, the network uses a single source of truth (the deterministic masternode list) to determine the recipient of the masternode portion of the block reward in a transaction, rather than relying on peer-to-peer messages to work this out. In addition, when quorums of masternodes are used to validate transactions, the quorum is determined by information found on the blockchain itself. This ensures that nodes come to agreement on which masternodes get included in a quorum, because rather than maintain its own masternode list, a node can pull the data from an on-chain, single source of truth.”
Following the activation of spork 15, all masternodes not yet upgraded were dropped from the network, leaving only upgraded, deterministic masternodes operational. At the time of the spork’s activation, nearly 4,700 masternodes were active on the network, and immediately following the spork’s activation that number briefly dropped below……………
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Author: Joël Valenzuela
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