Dash Investment Foundation Appoints Additional Supervisors
The Dash Investment Foundation (DIF) has appointed Rodrigo Ambrissi and Ryan Taylor as Supervisors. In addition, Darren Tapp has been elected as the new DIF Chairperson.
The DIF is the world’s first ownerless and memberless investment fund that functions as a bridge between the Dash DAO structure and the legacy financial, legal systems to enable the Dash network to invest in its own ecosystem. The DIF is part of a growing infrastructure that supports Dash, Digital Cash, which works like Bitcoin but is more user friendly, scalable, and secure.
The DIF Supervisors are elected by the network annually each June. Shortly after the 2020 election Darren Tapp joined as a DIF Supervisor, Mr. Tapp was elected DIF Chairperson by the other elected DIF Supervisors Hytham Abdel-Karim and Michael Lewis. The DIF Supervisors decided ………
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Author: Newsroom
Original link: https://newsroom.dash.org/110892-dash-investment-foundation-appoints-additional-supervisors