Network Switch, General Bytes, & Testnet Slots : DASH| Detailed
The Dash core team’s upgrade of 12.1 was pushed on the evening of February 5th. Holy network update! It’s never a dull moment here at Dash-land.Hi, I’m Amanda B. Johnson and you’re watching DASH: Detailed. And because I know you want to hear them first, let’s start with Network Statistics.Today’s masternode count is 4,219. Of these, about 23% have already upgraded to 12.1, and around 6%are in the process of doing so.Masternode count: < the mining side of things, about 50% of Dash’s hashrate has upgraded to 12.1 at this time.Percentage of hashpower that’s upgraded: of hashrate, our current hashrate is 2.3 terahashes per second.Hashrate & full node count: http://bitinfocharts.comThe general sentiment on the state of the upgrade from both core and community members seems to be that all is going swimmingly.Now, here’s the important part.The enforcement, or spork of the protocal versions – that is the old one and the new – is set to take place on Sunday, February 12th. This means that on that day, any nodes not running 12.1 software will be kicked-off the network.If you have a full-node wallet and you’ve not yet upgraded to 12.1 and you intend to, check out the subreddit for a collection of astoundingly simple guides for updating.Guides related to 12.1: http://reddit.com/r/dashpayAnd now yes, I know you’re second most concerned with the price movement so let’s do that.Dash price at the time of recording in U.S. dollars is $17.14. Someone recently cleverly pointed out on the Dash subreddit that this has put us at parity with silver.Silver parity: https://www.reddit.com/r/dashpay/comments/5rxoqc/1_oz_silver_is_with_parity_with_dash_buy_silver/This makes the Dash market capitalization roughly $121 million U.S. dollars. There are just under 7.1 million Dash in existence. And over the past 24 hours we’ve seen roughly $1.3 million U.S. dollars in trade volume.For context, here is our three month change in market cap. Our one year change in market cap. And of course our lifetime, or a little more than three year, change in market cap.Current price in USD: http://coinmarketcap.com And now for development updates.Lead developer of Dash, Evan Duffield, has published a synopsis. It includes details on 12.1’s functionality, a reminder that if you had a multi-month proposal into the treasury prior to 12.1 you’ll want to re-submit, and a sketch of things going forward.Evan synopsis of 12.1: https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/version-12-1-release.12985/Not to mention a link to Dash’s pretty, pretty new website. Yes, that’s right. If you’ve not yet checked out the new Dash.org you may care to do so as it is different this time ‘round. One might call it more user-friendly.Revamped homepage: http://dash.orgIn other development updates, KeepKey has released a beta client that supports Dash.KeepKey beta: https://www.keepkey.com/2017/02/02/dash-now-public-beta/And speaking of hardware wallets, I know, so many want to know, “Can I launch a masternode with my Trezor? Or my KeepKey?” And the answer is – if you’re willing to put in some manual labor – “Yes!”By following this guide actually, as published by Dash developer Chaeplin. The steps are what one might call laborious, and the buzz about town seems to indicate that within a number of weeks, the process should be simpler, and corresponding guides will be published at that time.Guide to run Dash masternode with hardware wallet: https://github.com/chaeplin/dashmnb/blob/master/README.mdIn other developments, Evan Duffiled and Ryan Taylor among potentially others – I’m not actually sure come to think of it – have moved into their new office space at Arizona State University’s SkySong Innovation Center.Ryan shared these photos of the new digs and its various amenities, as well as the mailing address of the office, should you care to send any physical mail to them.Dash offices at SkySong: https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/dash-offices-at-skysong.12701/#post-112673And in other developments, Dash core team members Robert Wiecko as well as Holger Schnizel have wrapped-up their appearance with a few members of Coinfirm at London’s ICE gaming conference, where Dash with Coinfirm’s services were presented as a complete package of sorts for the gaming and gambling industry.ICE gaming conference: https://twitter.com/Coinfirm_io/status/828975725608894466Can> you handle more? How about Dash in the News?The 12.1 update was covered by Mike Dautner in Payment Week,
Payment Week covers 12.1: http://paymentweek.com/2017-2-6-dash-unveils-largest-software-upgrade-since-inception/as well as Samburaj Das in CryptoCoins News.CryptoCoinNews covers 12.1: https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/dash-releases-software-upgrade-sweeping-redesign/In addition, Ryan Taylor also gave an interview on the Spanish YouTube channel Cripto Noticias. The verbiage is in English, the subtitles are in Spanish, just to be clear.CriptoNoticias interviews Ryan Taylor: <https://youtu.be/jfrMOv5jF4wAnd now to Business News.The exchange BitSane based in Ireland is now a new fiat gateway for those wanting to buy Dash with dollars or euros. BitSane accepts dollar or euro deposits via OKPAY, AdvCash or bank wires.BitSane exchange: http://bitsane.comAnd speaking of fiat gateways, I must correct a mistake I made in last week’s show in that Bittylicious, yes only accepts bank wires from UK customers, but they accept credit and debit card purchases from people all over the world. Sorry about that Bittylicious and thanks for correcting me.Bittylicious exchange: http://bittylicious.comAnd in other business news – very exciting – General Bytes, the CTM manufacturer based in Czech Republic, has launched a ThunderClap campaign to add Dash to their CTMs. So what General Bytes is seeking is that any Dash support who has a Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr account sign-up to share the news about the Dash addition to the product on February 24th.At this time, 39 of the desired 100 people have agreed to do so, myself included. So if you have a Twitter, Tumblr, or Facebook and you’d be willing to share the message that Dash is going to be supported on General Bytes on the 24th, go ahead and sign-up at this page.General Bytes Thunderclap campaign: https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/52838-bring-dash-to-your-local-atmAnd finally – we’re almost to the end – Social Happenings.There have been two Dash meetups – one in Kazakhstan, yes Kazakhstan! As well as one in Panama, where Dash core member Danial Diaz presented.My information on the Kazakhstan meetup is limited to this snappy video that was uploaded by a sister YouTube channel that I didn’t know that we had.Meetup in Kazahkstan:https://youtu.be/B_qvKJojCBgWell done.And more information about the Panamanian meetup can be found on this Steemit post by Randy
Hilarski.Meetup in Panama: https://twitter.com/PanamaBitcoin/status/827164921641078784, https://www.meetup.com/Panama-Bitcoin/events/237335516, https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@hilarski/bitcoin-meetup-panama-photosNext, the Dash Force has announced their testnet contest winners who are defacto, t0dd, and 1fabunicorn who each won $100 in Dash for their great work testing. Well done.Dash Force testnet contest winners: https://dashnation.slack.com/archives/dash_talk/p1486321479027998And finally, Dash developer kodaxx has put up this web game to test gambling with Dash using slots. Anybody can stop by to try out the game, which uses testnet coins.DashSlots gambling with testnet Dash: http://dashslots.uphero.com/If you’d like to try, kodaxx recommends that you use the Android Dash testnet wallet, and you can get free testnet Dash at any sort of faucet, like this one.Dash testnet Android wallet: https://github.com/HashEngineering/dash-wallet/releases/download/v4.65.12.1g/dash-wallet-testnet- testnet faucet: http://test.faucet.masternode.io/And that’s it for DASH: Detailed. What a day! What a week!If you’ve not yet, I hope that you’ll subscribe to this weekly series by sending an email to Amanda [at] @Dash [dot] org and I’ll take care of it.We publish a new video every Wednesday at 12pm EST.So see you then. Bye-bye.Music:•“We Are One” by Vexento https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ssvu2yncgWUDash graphics:•Alex-ru DASH photo bank: http://bit.ly/2fnyZClGet social & learn more:•Dash Slack / Forum / Reddit: http://dashnation.com/chat•DASH: Detailed Homepage: http://dashdetailed.com•DASH: Detailed Twitter: http://twitter.com/dashdetailed•Dash Homepage: http://dash.org
•Dash Twitter: http://twitter.com/dashpay