Sao Paulo – 2nd Bitcoin Summit – 30th June – Dash/Daniel Attending
Daniel from Dash will be attending – with live Local Support from MCProtesto and others (i will keep this thread...
How To Enable On-Chain Scaling
How To Enable On-Chain Scaling Scalability has long been a massive barrier to the adoption of digital currency. To date,...
Dash Payment Platform Evolution Aims to Undercut PayPal, Venmo From 2018: Altcoin’s Roadmap
Privacy-focused altcoin Dash has announced a three-year roadmap for its Evolution “decentralized payments platform.” In a press release Tuesday, Dash,...
PEOPLE OF DASH: Joshua, Evolution Front End Developer
In this new series, PEOPLE OF DASH, you’ll learn about the humans who are working behind the scenes to make...
An Open Letter From Evan and Ryan Regarding Dash Marketing
Background: This year, we witnessed a dramatic change in the resources available to the Dash project, the scale of which...
OFFICIAL DASH ROADMAP – Version 2.1.1 // Delivery Milestones
OFFICIAL DASH ROADMAP Version 2.1.1 // Delivery Milestones Evan Duffield / [email protected] / Dash Labs Andy Freer / [email protected] /...
July 2017 Dash Budget Report
As of today, all Dash Core Team proposals have been submitted to the network. Once again, due to the continued...
Hong Kong | Dash Research and Planning
Hong Kong | Dash Research and Planning by Evan Duffield
Dash DAO Gives Away $50,000
Dash DAO Gives Away $50,000 in #FirstDashWallet Campaign: Insights From Amanda
May 2017 – Dash Core Team Monthly Report
May 2017 – Dash Core Team Monthly Report