Dash V12.3 Is Released!
On June 30, 2018, the official announcement came from Dash that Dash v12.3 is complete, tested, and ready for release....
Video Interview: AloGateway Global Payment Processor Partners With Dash
This is a video repost of an interview from our YouTube channel with Karen Hsu Head of Growth for BlockCypher answering the following questions about the...
Dash v 12.3.1 Released – Mandatory Update –
Dash v 12.3.1 Released – Mandatory Update – Please update all Pools, Miners , Masternodes (after Payouts), Wallets ,… Download:...
Cryptocurrencies – What it will take for mass acceptance & use Dash is Digital Cash
Crypto currencies are going through extreme volatility. What will it take for them to be accepted for regular use? To...
Dash v12.3 Release Announcement – available July 3rd
We are pleased to announce the release of Dash version 12.3, which improves InstantSend and lays additional foundation for Dash...
Using blockchain technology is less expensive than any bank, and with our platform, we auto-convert the funds to U.S. digital cash (Dash) that can be used immediately.
“Using blockchain technology is less expensive than any bank, and with our platform, we auto-convert the funds to U.S. digital...
Dash [DASH] and other cryptocurrencies may get more stability receiving new Hedge Fund’s investment
Dash [DASH] with the progress of time is gradually becoming more stable than other cryptocurrencies due to its usability. A leading venture capital firm known...
Dash Watch June Reports
Dash Watch June 2018 Report available here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Vr6Td_xrwxPEZjqlHkZZh4-3-M9MOHrZ4IspvvcIDog/edit
What’s Going on at Dash – 27th June ?
Hello Dash Community, In the spirit of radical transparency: area updates from our bi-weekly management meetings. In this way, you...
PorcFest 2018 – Interview with Neal Jayu from Lamassu
This is a video interview repost featuring Neal Jayu from Lamassu at PorcFest in New Hampshire. If you haven’t done so by now, can...
Dash 101 now available in Français / French
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist? Dash 101 – 1 Pourquoi avons nous besoin d’argent liquide numérique Dash 101 – 2 Que sont les...