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December 6, 2014 9:14 pm

The Dash Foundation Is Open for Business

We are thrilled to begin admitting members to the Dash Foundation today. We are asking for your money in the form of both dues and donations, so an explanation is in order.

The Foundation

The Foundation is an Arizona nonprofit corporation and future 501(c)(6) organization (hopefully–we are in the process of applying for recognition of exemption). Its purpose is to promote, protect and standardize Dash. The Foundation doesn’t own the Dash project–the community does. The Foundation is here to help. We believe that organizing fundraising efforts will be beneficial, but everyone is free to continue contributing in whatever manner is most convenient.

We have broken down the broad mission of promoting, protecting and standardizing Dash into more specific objectives:

1. Support the development of the Dash protocol. We must ensure that the development team has the resources it needs to maintain Dash’s status as the most innovative cryptocurrency in the world.

2. Empower the community. Many members of the community already perform valuable tasks. Our goal is to assist them in as many ways as possible.

3. Educate the public. We will engage in educational and promotional activities in an effort to bring Dash to a much wider audience.

4. Represent. The Foundation can speak for Dash when and where such representation is appropriate.

Becoming a Member

There are two types of members: individual and industry. Individual members can choose to pay dues annually or become lifetime members. Both people and entities can become industry members. Neither class of members receives any perks, really, other than the right to vote for board directors (this may change when Dash is on its way toward world domination). For now, it’s best to think of membership as an act of support.

We feel membership should be within the reach of as many people as possible, so one can join for as little as 10 DASH. This doesn’t mean that we can’t use additional funds–if you are able and willing, please consider donating more. If you aren’t interested in becoming a member but would like to donate, that is completely OK, too.

We want to be very open with the community, so please, feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. It’s your foundation. Propulsion has agreed to create a subforum on Dashtalk.org for Foundation-specific discussions. This forum will be open to the public, but only members will be able to post.

The Internals

The Foundation is governed by its bylaws and a conflict of interest policy. These documents are available on our site for anyone that is interested. The board of directors holds meetings periodically, and is in regular contact when they are not meeting.

Foundation funds will be stored in multisignature wallets and all Foundation addresses will be public. Dashs will not be anonymized, so everyone will be able to see how they are being spent. Bitcoins will not be anonymized either … not that this is even possible!

Yours truly,

The Dash Foundation Board of Directors

About the author
